lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

See you at LAAD 2013, Rio de Janeiro

The Deployed Logix team is back from our very successful trip to the United Arab Emirates for the IDEX 2013 show in Abu Dhabi. Lots of old friends and clients, but also new business under way.

Now we are pleased to announce that we are going to participate in LAAD Defence and Security 2013, to be held at Riocentro Expo, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from April 9 to 12, 2013. We hope to meet our Brazilian and Latin American clients in person while in Brazil, while showcasing some never before seen products.

Meet us at Hall 3, booth P-79 (Inside the US Pavillion).

You can download the exhibit floorplan here:

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Deployed Logix @ IDEX 2013 Abu Dhabi, day 3

Lots of visitors, lots of activity for our DLX staff members.
The third day of exhibition at IDEX 2013, Abu Dhabi was even better than the first two. We were honored to greet at our booth past clients, visitors and friends from many countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Russia, Colombia, India, Nepal, United Kingdom, Nigeria, Kuwait and the United States, among others.

Some of our more popular products proved to be our Osmotic Hydration Systems (which use no energy or power of any sort), our Rapid Portable Shelter System and our new Off-Grid power solutions.

Many deals were made and we are sure will continue to be made in the next few days as the show continues until Feb. 21st.

Visit our website at for more information on our products.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

IDEX 2013 Abu Dhabi, days 1 & 2

Paul Silva is showing some of the new DLX products to visitors at IDEX 2013
With an airshow by the UAE Air Force, the International Defence Conference and Expo IDEX 2013 started with flare.

The Deployed Logix staff was kept busy by a large number of visitors coming from all of the Middle East, taking a look at our latest products.

We have also greeted many old friends and clients and hope to keep up the work on coming days.

We also want to thank ambassador Michael H. Corbin for inviting us to the reception for American companies at the USS Green Bay, at Mina Zayed, Abu Dhabi.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013

Deployed Logix Sponsors Colombian Special Forces Team

The DLX Team Colombia, led by Mr. Zambrano (center in black shirt)
Deployed Logix proudly sponsored the Colombian National Police Special Forces Team in a contest in Bogotá last month. The contest involved Special Forces teams from several Latin American countries, competing in different tasks.

A member of the DLX Team Colombia
The team was led by Deployed Logix's own Hernán Zambrano, our Private Security Consulting expert and instructor, and a former Junglas (Colombian National Police Special Antinarcotic Force) squad leader. 

Mr. Zambrano heads Deployed Logix's sales team in Colombia and resides in Bogotá.